Working to Make Gloucester City the Place "Where Great Things Are Happening!"
The Gloucester City Republican Committee and it's candidates share the same platform. We wish to work in a bipartisan manner to achieve what is best for Gloucester City and it's residents. Our policy positions identify SOLUTIONS as well as issues.
Economic Development
We all know too well the failures of previous and current leadership when it comes to the economic development of our beautiful city. Wasted potential strewn across the waterfront. Empty warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and storefronts. We seek to incentivize business both large and small. These incentives will bring companies that create revenue and jobs for the taxpayers of Gloucester City. We have great potential in Gloucester City. We need a new approach, and our candidates can deliver it.
Property Taxes
Property taxes continue to rise year after year. Gloucester City has some of the highest taxes in the state. This is unacceptable considering the low income rates of a large portion of the city. We need to be making policies that help bring our citizens into the middle class, not policies that push them further into poverty.
Cutting waste is one of the largest focuses of our committee. This will help drive down costs, and taxes as well. Bringing in businesses that hire Gloucester City residents will provide tax revenue that will help lower property taxes. When taxes go up, one expects to see a return. The taxpayers are not seeing a return on investment, and that is not fair.
Gloucester City has an issue when it comes to it's housing stock. It is slowly deteriorating. Beautiful, century old architecture could be lost. We will work to preserve the beauty of our city. We will not only build, but also maintain. Something leadership seems to overlook all too often.
Incentives for homeownership are one the ways to fix these issues. "Slumlords" that live hundreds of miles away will need to start taking responsibility for their properties. Our citizens deserve to be treated with respect and have safe, decent housing. We WILL fight for you.
Quality of Life
From street lights being out to trash across the city, quality of life issues have become a serious concern. Our candidates will be meeting with constituents to hear these concerns, and make them top priorities when they reach office.
Rising crime is another serious concern for the tax payers of Gloucester City. There is no reason for shootings to be happening in our city. Our candidates will work with police and community leaders to inspire a greater sense of community. If everyone works together we can make Gloucester City a safer place to live.